Friday, December 30, 2022

The Incompetent Leaders of Pakistan Do Not Understand How the Democratic System Work, They Think That in a Democracy, the Corruption that the Leaders have done in the Old Law, Can End by Making a New Law

The Incompetent Leaders of Pakistan Do Not  Understand How the Democratic System Work, They Think That in a Democracy, the Corruption that the Leaders have done in  the Old Law, Can End by Making a New Law 

Mujeeb Khan

President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea has issued a pardon to Lee Myung-bak, the former president who was sentenced to a 17-year term in 2020 on bribery and embezzlement charges, the presidential pardon would allow Mr. Lee,81, to be released from a hospital in Seoul, where he has been receiving treatment for chronic illnesses. It would also cancel the remaining 15 years of his sentence and nullify the unpaid $6.4 million, fine that the courts imposed on him.

Leaders of Pakistan Zardari Sharif and Fazlurrehman

  قومیں کیسے بنتی ہیں اور سسٹم کیسے کام کرتا ہے۔ جنوبی کوریا کے سابق

 صدرلی مائنگ-بای کو 2020 میں عدالت نے  رشوت لینے اور فنڈز خورد برد کرنے کے الزام میں 17 سال کی سزا سنائی تھی اور4۔6ملین ڈالر جرمانہ کیا تھا۔جنوبی کوریا کے صدر یو سوک ایول نے سابق صدر لی کو صدارتی معافی دی ہے۔ سابق صدر لی 81 سال کے ہیں اور سیول ہسپتال سے انہیں رہا کیاجاۓ گا۔ جہاں ان کی معروضی بیماری کا علاج ہورہا تھا۔ان کی 15 سال باقی سزا ملتوی کردی جاۓ گی۔ اورعدالت نے انہیں6،4 ملین ڈالر جرمانہ کیا تھا اس کا بقیہ منسوخ کردیا جاۓ گا۔ لی 2008 سے 2013 تک جنوبی کوریا کے صدر تھے۔ جب آصف زرداری لاکھوں ڈالر خورد برد کرنےکے بعد اپنی معیاد پوری کرکے صدارتی محل سے جارہے تھے اور نوازشریف اقتدار میں داخل ہورہے تھے۔ زرداری نے کہا میاں صاحب اب آپ بسم اللہ کجیے۔ چند روزقبل اسحاق ڈار نے کہا تھا کہ ہم 2013 میں بھی ایک ایسے ہی مالی بحران میں تھے خزانہ خالی تھا۔ اسحاق ڈار کی زبان پر یہ آتے آتے رک گیا کہ سندھ کا ڈاکو خزانہ خالی کر گیا تھا۔ پھر 2018 میں عمران خان کو جنرل باجوہ اقتدار میں لائے تھے۔ عمران خان نے جب اقتدار میں آۓ تو دیکھا ان کے سامنے قرضوں کی ادا ئیگی کرنے کے لیےبل رکھے تھے۔ اور خزانہ خالی تھا۔ یہ دیکھ کر عمران خان نے کہا اگر مجھے یہ معلوم ہوتا کہ لاہور کے ڈاکو خزانہ لوٹ کر لے گیے ہیں تو میں کبھی اقتدار نہیں لیتا۔ لیکن جنرل باجوہ کو یہ معلوم تھا اس لیے فوج نے عمران خان کو سیلیکٹ کیا تھا۔ زرداری کو دنیا قرضہ نہیں دیتی نوازشریف کو کرپشن کرنے میں سزا ہو چکی تھی۔ عمران خان جس نے کبھی اپنے سسر سے پیسے نہیں مانگے تھے۔ جنرل باجوہ نے دنیا سے پیسے مانگنے کے لیے عمران خان کو آگے کردیا تھا۔ اور اس کے پیچھے شہباز شریف اور بلاول زرداری کو یہ کہنے کے لیے کھڑا کردیا تھا کہ ہم سیلیکٹڈ کو وزیراعظم نہیں مانتے ہیں-

  مولانا فضل الرحمن ایک غیراسلامی جنوبی کوریا مہذب معاشرہ ہے۔ لیکن مولانا فضل الرحمن کی اسلامی مملکت ایک انتہائی غیرمہذب ریاست ہے۔ جہاں مولانا فضل             الرحمن کرپٹ ترین لیڈروں کے سیاسی پم ہیں ۔ یہاں لیڈر جب  اقتدار میں نہیں ہوتے   ہیں تو یہ کہتے ہیں کہ "ادارے اپنی حدود میں رہیں۔" اور جب یہ اقتدار میں ہوتے  ہیں تو کہتے ہیں "الیکشن آئین کی معیاد پوری ہونے پر ہوں گے۔" ان کی جہالت کب حدود سے باہرآۓ گی۔ "ادارے حدود میں رہیں" اور الیکشن آئین پر ہوں گے۔" کہنا صرف جمہوریت نہیں ہے۔ یہ جمہوریت کے کمپونیٹ ہیں۔ لیڈروں نے عدالتوں کو بائی پاس کردیا ہے۔ حالانکہ ان کے کرپشن کے کیس عدالتوں میں تھے۔ انہوں نے قانون تبدیل کردیا اور نیا قانون ایسا بنایا جس میں ان کے کرپشن کے کیس خود بخود ختم ہوجاتے ہیں۔ اور پھریہ عوام سے کہتے ہیں ان کے خلاف جھوٹے    الزامات تھے اور اس کے کوئی ثبوت نہیں تھے۔ یہ "قانون کے مطابق" کو          جمہوریت نہیں سمجھتے ہیں۔ اور " آئین کے مطابق" کو جمہوریت کہتے ہے۔ اس لیے یہ بڑی فراغ دلی سے قانون کی خلاف ورزیاں کرتے ہیں۔ لیکن ججوں نے ان  کے خلاف کوئی کاروئی نہیں کی تھی۔ حالانکہ ان کے کرپشن کے کیس ججوں کی  ٹیبل پرتھےاوروہاں سے اٹھا لاۓ تھے۔ ججوں اورعدالتوں کا یہ احترام نہیں کرتے ہیں۔ جس دن انہوں نے اپنے کرپشن کے کییسزز خود ختم کیے تھے اسی روز ان  سے عدالت کے اخراجات وصول کرنے میں جرمانے کیے جاتے۔ شہباز شریف کو  چار لاکھ روپے، حمزہ شریف کو 25 لاکھ روپے، مریم نواز کو10 لاکھ روپے، آصف زرداری کو 50 لاکھ روپے رانا ثنا اللہ 35 لاکھ روپے اور دوسروں کو بھی اسی طرح جرمانے کیے جاتے۔ ان کی وجہ سے عدالتوں کے ہونے والے اخراجات عوام کیوں دیں۔ کورٹ ہاؤس کے اخراجات بھی ہیں انہیں اسی طرح پورا کیا جاتا ہے۔ ججوں کی تنخواہیں عوام دیتے ہیں۔ جنہیں انصاف ملتا نہیں ہے۔ کرپٹ لیڈروں کی بدعنوانیوں نے جمہوری سسٹم کو فیل کردیا ہے۔ انہیں یہ معلوم نہیں ہے کہ جمہوری سسٹم    کیسے کام کرتا ہے؟ عدالتیں جمہوری سسٹم صاف ستھرا بنانے میں سنجیدہ نہیں   ہیں۔ نواز شریف اورآصف زرداری نے 40 سال میں زندگی کے ہر شعبہ کو کرپٹ    کردیا ہے       

  جنوبی کوریا نے صرف 60 سال میں زندگی کے ہر شعبہ میں شاندار ترقی کی ہے۔ جمہوری سسٹم کامیاب بنایا ہے عوام کامیاب ہیں۔ کوریا کی ایک نسل نے جنگ لڑی تھی 15-20 ملین کورین اس جنگ میں مر گیے تھے لیکن اپنے بچوں کو مستقبل دیا ہے۔

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Eleven Years Ago, When the Arab Spring First Brought the Brotherhood to Power in Egypt, and Now Eleven Years Later, For the First Time in Israel’s History, Far-Right Religious Extremists Have Come to Power, what will be the Reaction of the Arabs? And how will the United States Welcome Him?

Eleven Years Ago, When the Arab Spring First Brought the Brotherhood to Power in Egypt, and Now Eleven Years Later, For the First Time in Israel’s History, Far-Right Religious Extremists Have Come to Power, what will be the Reaction of the Arabs? And how will the United States Welcome Him?

Mujeeb Khan


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with his allies in the Far-right Camp 

Far-right Religious Zionism, Hamar Gvir, with deep roots in the racist Kahanist Movement, is an ally of the Netanyahu government

  Benjamin Netanyahu has returned to power after a year-long hiatus. The Palestinians are nervous about the return of Netanyahu to power, that now they will be persecuted again, and they will evict from their homes. A new Jewish settlement will build. Israel’s brutality against Palestinians will begin again. The far-right party in Netanyahu’s coalition government is anti-Arab, Ultra-orthodox Jewish Party, and Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Ostrich controls the Civil Administration, which oversees infrastructure construction and security coordination in the West Bank. This coalition government of Netanyahu is said to be the most extreme religious government in the history of Israel. The question now is, how long will this government last? Netanyahu has asked President Biden to help establish Israel’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. Netanyahu said it would help resolve the Palestinian conflict. Prime Minister Netanyahu had told President Trump that America’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will help solve the Palestinian problem. Then the Abraham accord was signed by Israel with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, and even then, it said that it would help solve the Palestinian issue. President Trump had a vital role in establishing Israel’s relations with gulf Arab countries, but there has been no change in the lives of Palestinians. The Israeli army still controls the lives of Palestinians. There are still restrictions on the free movement of Palestinians. During the last government of Prime Minister Netanyahu, more than two hundred Palestinians were killed in the Israeli military operation against Palestinians in Gaza. Last year in the month of Ramadan, which is a very holy month for Muslims, the Palestinian were engaged in worshiping in Al-Aqsa Mosque, they clash with the Israeli police, and 180 Palestinians were wounded, eighty of whom were said to be critical condition. To say that the establishment of Israel’s relations with the Arab countries will help to solve the Palestinian problem, the Abraham accord has been going on for three years now, and what has helped to solve the Palestinian conflict? The establishment of Israel’s relations with Arab countries has helped its economy. Israel’s trade with these Arab countries has reached $700millin and will reach $1 billion in the next few years.

  The Middle East is a market of 350 million people. There are opportunities for trade and economic development. Israel should talk about establishing relations with Syria before looking at establishing relations with Saudi Arabia. When Israel’s relations with Syria will be expected, then Iran’s position may be neutral towards Israel. The United States has agreed on the maritime border dispute between Lebanon and Israel in the Mediterranean. Lebanon and Israel had a dispute over oil and gas fields in the Mediterranean. The area in question touches the Karish oil and gas field and a region known as the Qanaa prospect. The deal gives Israel oil and gas rights in the Karish field, while Lebanon gets access to the Qanaa prospect, with Israel earning 17% of the profits. Without establishing diplomatic relations between Israel and Lebanon, the oil and gas trade has brought peace to the borders of the two countries. There has been calm in Hezbollah’s position.        

Sunday, December 11, 2022

The War In Ukraine is a War Designed to Destroy The Country and the Lives of People, President Zelensky Failed to Save His Country and His People from the Destruction of the War

The War In Ukraine is a War Designed to Destroy The Country and the Lives of People, President Zelensky Failed to Save His Country and His People from the Destruction of the War


What lessons has President Zelensky learned from the destructive war in Syria?

Mujeeb Khan

War destruction in Ukraine



war destruction in Syria


  The world felt relieved at the end of the Afghan war. The world expected that there would be no new war. Everyone had prayed to God to make the new year a year of peace as 2022 began. But NATO and America hacked people’s prayers before they reached God. Within 44 days of the end of the Afghan war, the vacuum left by the war was filled by pushing Ukraine into a new war. In the opinion of a large majority of the world, the Ukraine war was an unnecessary war. The United States created a conflict between two neighboring countries, Russia and Ukraine, and handed over this conflict to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Secretary General NATO took this conflict to the brink of the third world war in Europe. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was not a political leader nor an outstanding politician. So, it was easy to manipulate him. President Biden had forty years of experience in world politics, like Secretary General Stoltenberg. In Europe, President Zelensky had no experience in European politics. He did not know the war politics of NATO. It was not necessary that an attack on one NATO member would be considered an attack on all member states. In Turkey’s case a member of NATO, Kurdish terrorists had carried out several bomb blasts in Turkey in which three hundred Turkish citizens were killed. But NATO did not come to help Turkey. Instead, considering this situation in Turkey as appropriate, the Obama administration overthrew President Erdogan’s government through the Turkish army. The Erdogan government survived. The Kurds, whom the Turkish government called terrorists, were allies of the United States and were fighting against the Assad regime in Syria.

  Being a member of NATO does not mean full insurance coverage. The member must first spend the deductible on self-defense. After that, if America is interested, NATO troops will come, and if is not in America’s interest, NATO will not come to help. When three million people died in Bosnia, US and NATO decided to take military action against Yugoslavia. Although this decision could have been made earlier. The European perception is correct that the US is making money from the war in Ukraine. The United States has sold almost a trillion dollars’ worth of arms to Ukraine in ten months. How easy it has become today to sell weapons, destroy the country, and destroy people’s lives. What is the difference between violating human rights and destroying people’s lives? NATO countries had seen in Syria that the use of weapons was not the solution to the problem.

  People were affected the most, their homes and families destroyed. Their countries were destroyed. Although they are innocent and helpless. With this attitude of the United States, the tendency towards a third party is increasing among the American people. The American people are not happy that they elect their representatives and they become employees of military contractors.