Saturday, May 1, 2021

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Worst Leader in India’s History, More People Died and Killed in His Leadership than Peoples Killed in Three Wars with Pakistan



Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Worst Leader in India’s History, More People Died and Killed in His Leadership than Peoples Killed in Three Wars with Pakistan

Mujeeb Khan

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in the guise of SADHU


Even the neighbors are enemies, but they are neighbors, when Pakistan and China saw India is in difficult situation peoples are dying in a brutal virus, Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan wrote a letter to Prime Minister India Narendra Modi to offer Pakistan's help to the people of India in a sad difficult time. while China is providing necessary, emergency medical supplies to India. Neighbors are first responders.


  The way the coronavirus was handled by President Trump and the way Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is handling the coronavirus, it can be said that President Trump controlled the coronavirus with great ability, if it were not for the election year, the results would be soon positive. The death toll from the coronavirus in the United States has been exaggerated. But the death toll from the coronavirus in India is said to under-reported. However, there are 500,000 cases of coronavirus daily in India, and the government has reported 200,000 deaths from the coronavirus. The Modi government is hiding the real number of deaths due to its notoriety. The Modi government has banned any comments, information, and detail about the coronavirus on social media.

  Last year, the government said the first wave of the coronavirus had killed 35,000 people, but the death toll was higher, at the beginning of the first wave Modi government suddenly announced a lockdown. The Indian people were not ready for a lockdown. The government did not make any arrangement for the transportation of thousands of migrant workers who had come from remote areas to big cities, and now they were returning to their towns and villages, about over 20,000 people walked thousands of miles, hundreds of them died on the way. Some of them were infected with the coronavirus. In the first wave of coronavirus, the performance of the Modi government was C-grade. One billion people were locked down for months, a large portion of India’s poor lives on their daily earnings. They are most affected. Other than that, some small and family businesses could not survive and closed. Those who came to the middle class after years of hard work are getting poorer. Many foreign investors are leaving India with their capital. Where the coronavirus threatens people’s lives, it is a tsunami for India’s economic health.

  The Modi government is the first hardline Hindu government in the History of India, it has only succeeded in turning India into an ideological Hindu state. The mission of making Kashmir part of the Hindu state has been fulfilled by ending the independence of Kashmiris. The Modi government has not been able to bring India’s economy in line with China’s. Last month, the Modi government agreed to buy 35 F-35 aircraft and military weapons from the United States. India had conducted naval drills in the Pacific with the United States, Australia, South Korea, and Japan on a peak of coronavirus. During the same  naval exercise, Prime Minister Modi told the nation that “India, the world’s largest democracy, has overcome the coronavirus.” Coronavirus restrictions on people’s movement were lifted. Instead, of paying immediate attention to the economic woes faced by the Indian people due to the coronavirus, the Modi government had agreed to buy billions of dollars worth of military weapons from the United States. The fanatics and extremists of any religion, be they democracies or dictators, have weapons by nature.

  Narendra Modi has been the Prime Minister for seven years, his arsenals depots are full of all kinds of weapons, but the government does not have ‘weapons’ to save its people from the dreaded virus attack, no oxygen cylinders, no oxygen, no ventilators, no hospitals, no beds in hospitals, no medical supplies. Citizens are dying on the streets, bodies are lined up the sidewalks, there is no land to bury them, no place to cremate them. Frightened by this situation, the face of Prime Minister Modi has changed, the white beard has grown on his face, now Modi in the guise of a SADHU.       

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